8 Ways to Have a Great Relationship with Your Nanny


By Ellen Seidman for Care.com

I have two loves of my life: My husband and my nanny. She's been with us since my son was born seven years ago, and I do everything I can to let her know how much I adore her. Take the other evening, when I went to an event thrown by a local mom's group. It was "spa night," and we were treated to manis, pedis and massages. We could also make our own bath salts, poured into a little glass jar and tied with a ribbon. I knew right away what I was going to do with mine: I came home and handed it to our nanny. "It's for you, so you can take a relaxing bath -- you deserve it," I said.

Granted, I sure could use a relaxing bath (or twenty) myself. But I'm always trying to make sure our nanny feels cared for. This is the woman who I trust to take care of my kids. She's my partner, my copilot, my wing-woman in parenting. I want to keep her happy -- and I want her to do good by my kids and me, too. And just like having a good relationship with my husband, that takes time and attention. Plenty of other moms I know feel the same -- and have their own smart strategies. Read for yourself about the ways they've built great relationships with their nannies.

  1. Make Expectations Clear From Day One
    "If you want your nanny to help with dinner or do laundry or light cleaning -- and she'll have the time free during the day to do them -- let her know from the start," says Betsy, a mom of one. "You don't just want to spring major new demands on a nanny, because then she'll feel taken advantage of." Some moms refuse to ask their nannies do housework, as tempting as it may be. As Judy, a mom of one, says, "Sure, I'd like some help, but I don't want to send the message that my baby isn't the top priority. She is."

  2. Care -- Really Care -- About Your Nanny
    "I care about my babysitter's mental and physical health as much as I care about my family's," says Denise, a mother of two. "I do it because she's part of my family, and I want her to feel that way. Also, the healthier she is, the better she'll be able to take care of my kids."

  3. Pamper Her
    "My babysitter has been with us since Brodie was 11 months old -- now he's five! -- and I try to help her enjoy herself. You know, like giving her job perks!" says Dani. "I'll tape some of her favorite shows on TiVo so she can watch them when Brodie's asleep, and make sure I have her favorite snacks around." Adds Betsy, "On my nanny's birthday, I give her a personal gift -- like a scarf -- and some cash in an envelope, and I'll have Melinda draw her a card. Really, she's like my child's other mother!" Hedy, a mother of two, goes even further: "I buy my nanny's two kids presents for the holidays. It makes her really happy, too."

  4. Don't Get in Her Way
    "My sitter has raised her own kids, so I generally give her a lot of autonomy," says Kara, a mother of two. "Even if she does some things differently than I do, I figure it worked for her, no harm done. And we always make sure that our kids, who are two and five, know that her word is final when we're not home. This has gotten important now that my oldest is playing more with kids in the neighborhood and asking them to go over, or to go to their house. Whatever Cynthia says goes! It conveys respect and also makes things run more smoothly."

  5. Be Generous
    Most moms give their nannies an end-of-year bonus (sometimes, as much as an extra week's salary), plus an annual pay raise. "I believe really strongly in not nickel-and-diming my sitter," notes Jessica, a mother of two. "If she works an extra half-hour, I'll round up to an hour. If she bought my kids a $6 lunch, I'll reimburse her $10. My friends think I'm crazy, but I see the payoff. She always comes when I need her, and more importantly, she's happy and cheerful and works hard to make our lives better in every way." 

  6. Pick Your Battles
    "I avoid speaking up about minor stuff that bugs me," says Kara. "Like, my babysitter has a habit of opening the microwave without first pressing 'Stop.' I think it could screw it up and if my husband did it, you'd better believe I'd ask him to stop! But I've held back. My philosophy is that the less I critique and make requests, the more impact it will have when I have an important change I want her to make."

  7. Speak Up About Big Issues
    "If I have to talk with our nanny about something I'm not happy about, I try to get home from work early so we can talk before she leaves, or I'll ask her to come in a few minutes early in the morning," says Joanna, a mom of two. "Leaving notes about biggie things is not okay -- your nanny, and your children, deserve a discussion. If you leave a note, your nanny might feel attacked. It's so easy to read the wrong tone in a note."

  8. Help Her Stay Organized
    "I have a large calendar hanging on the kitchen corkboard where I write down the kids' activities and playdates," says Hedy, a mother of twins. "That way we can remember what's happening when. It keeps us both sane!" 

7 awesome ways to get your children eating avocado


From Motherhood: The Real Deal

I am a tad obsessed with avocado and have been to known to eat at least half an avocado on a daily basis (a whole one sometimes)! After all, not only is it an awesome superfood, it’s a lot more versatile than you think plus who doesn’t love a bit of mashed avocado on toast for a quick lunch? However, getting your children eating avocado – now there’s another story.

While my daughter used to chow avo like there was no tomorrow when she was weaning….then along came the toddler picky eating club and the notion that avocado is blurgh! has stuck with her ever since. Cue mum obsessing ways to get the good stuff into her. And so today I’m sharing some of my favourite ways to get your children eating avocado. As tried and tested by me! As you will see…the key is them er….not actually knowing there is avocado in it:

In an omelette

The key here is to blend up the avocado first into a smooth paste before adding it into a lovely cheesy omlette-y mix. I usually go with 1/4 cup of pureed avocado per three egg omelette but you can experiment with ratios to suit.

In a pasta sauce

Avococado pasta? Yup, it’s seriously creamy and dreamy. Just think of it as switching things up and using it instead of pesto (because hey! kids will eat anything with pasta right?). It also happens to be super quick to whip up. Check out this recipe here to make it.

In quesadillas

Quesadillas are the perfect way to sneak in all sorts of things – including avocado! Just try sneaking in a thin layer of mashed up avocado before you start laying up your other toppings. Check out how to rock a quesadilla here.

In pancakes

What the? Avocados in pancakes? Yes indeedy, and once again the secret here is to get them pureed up like a dream first. My daughter calls these “vanilla pancakes” and I’m not in a hurry to correct her – for obvious reasons. Hit up this avocado pancake recipe here.

In muffins

Avocado chocolate breakfast muffins? You better believe it mamas. I love making and freezing these for whipping out for breakfast in a hurry (um….every day then?). You can even combine with courgette for a double breakfast veggie dose as per this recipe.

In a smoothie bowl

And seeing as we’re on a breakfast tip, let’s talk smoothie bowls. In case you have been living under a rock – smoothie bowls are all the rage and are an amazing way of getting your kids to eat avocado when combined with banana and a bit of cocoa and honey. They also provide a great interactive element as your can set up a mini “toppings buffet” (think strawbs, raisins, Cheerios and whatever else they fancy) for the littles to help themselves to. Here’s how to make one.

In chocolate puddings

And lastly, my absolute favourite….basically the most decadent of healthy puddings – it’s basically like a slightly richer version of a smoothie bowl and believe me it’s absolutely luscious. Imagine! You convincing them to finish their dinner with the lure of avocado! Also fantastic freezed as a seriously decadent ice pop! I love this healthy recipe here.

So there you have it – my six favourite ways of getting your sproglets to eat avocado! Have you tried any of these?  Or if not which is going to be on your hit list first? Do leave a comment and share.

Trying Out Slow Parenting


By Joanna Goddard for A Cup of Jo

After work and on the weekends, I often take our boys on neighborhood adventures — to the playground, to the carousel, to the bookstore, to the deli to get popsicles. And, even though these outings are fun, I’ve found that, en route, I’m constantly calling after them: “Hurry up, sweetie!” “Let’s go!” “Keep walking!” “Come on, honey, follow me!”

One recent evening, I even challenged myself not to tell them any instructions for the next minute. And it made me realize how often I did — 60 seconds was hard to get through! The funny thing is, usually we’re not even in a rush. As an adult, I just move at a faster pace than they do, and I’m also not great, generally, at relaxing, even on my own time. So, when Anton stops to examine a bicycle pedal or spots an ant on the ground or Toby walks slowly and dreamily down the block, I instinctively tell them to c’mon and come along.

The other day, I read a Boston Globe article about slow parenting, and it really resonated with me:

“I encourage parents to take some time to just watch their children, whether they are playing, doing homework, or eating a snack,” [John Duffy, a clinical psychologist and author of The Available Parent] says. “Take a moment to drink them in. Remember and remind yourself how remarkable your children are. That pause alone, even if momentary, can drive a shift in the pace”…

“We don’t overschedule ourselves. My husband and I spend lots of time at home. My kids dig in the dirt and ride bikes, we blow bubbles and go to the beach,” says [Lindsay Miller, a mother of three boys, ages 2, 4, and 7]…

“These days when everyone is so busy, we need to be intentional about making space for family time…” Family time, says Contey [cofounder of Slow Family Living] is different for all of us. “You might say, ‘we’re all here on Thursday mornings, so let’s make a leisurely pancake breakfast’; or one night a week take a walk in the dark before bed. Something like that can feel really special and the kids will remember it as they get older”…

I loved that line about simply watching your children. The other day, the boys were taking a bath, and instead of cleaning up the room or scrubbing them down, I decided to just look at them. I noticed how Anton’s hair sticks out to each side, making him look like Doc from Back to the Future. And Toby was softly humming a tune, which I didn’t recognize at first, but then realized was “So Long, Farewell” from the Sound of Music. (“And you and you and you!”) And their round bellies and soft cheeks and serious focus on bath toys broke my heart from the sweetness. And I could have just as easily missed it!

My approach has typically been to squeeze in fun outings with them, especially if I’ve been at work all day. But maybe it’s nice sometimes to not do anything. 

This month, I’m inspired to slow down and let the boys take the lead. Maybe we’ll skip a carousel excursion and instead just walk around the block as slowly as they’d like. Maybe we’ll take an hour! We’ll notice little things (like those fascinating bike pedals) and say hi to neighbors and maybe turn around and sit on a bench and NOT, under any circumstances, hurry up.

How a Staffing Agency Can Help


British American Q and A in Goop.com

Anita Rogers, founder of household staffing agency British American, has more than a decade’s experience in pairing families with household staff, from nannies and butlers to personal assistants and estate managers. She’s earned a reputation for finding successful matches–and also for helping to handle any situation that may arise in the working household. Here, she shares her insights on why hiring for your childcare or home needs is profoundly personal, and how a staffing agency can help with the process. 

A Q&A with Anita Rogers


What are the upsides to using an agency?

An agency helps you determine what kind of help you really need, and devises the way in which you want your staff to fit your lifestyle. It also saves you time and keeps you safe during the interview process. Some families have limited experience interviewing and hiring childcare and household staff, which makes it easy to miss signs of danger, red flags, or dishonesty. We enforce strict standards as we interview thousands of candidates each year. This has allowed us—and other reputable agencies—to become experts at spotting dishonest references and to be able single out specific personality traits and potential challenges. A staffing agency has seen how similar traits have played out with other candidates, which lends to its ability to find the best fit for you, your family, and your household.

What are the biggest misconceptions about household staffing?

Both parties must be willing to give and take in order to find the best match. Often people think they can hire a candidate if they offer a competitive or high salary. Or if a nanny or butler has excellent experience, they might assume they can get a higher salary and an ideal schedule. But staffing is a matchmaking process, and both parties must be satisfied with the relationship and the circumstances in order for it to work.

How do you recognize good talent?

It’s a long process—and it’s so much more than just a great résumé and reference letters. We look for candidates that have a balance of experience, training, and education in their field and glowing references from past employers. Other indicators we look for include personality, attitude, flexibility, grammar, responsiveness, and confidence.

The résumé is always the first indicator of talent, where we look at formal level of experience, age appropriate childcare experience, the types of homes an individual has worked in, longevity in previous jobs, and demonstrated professionalism and willingness. We screen all résumés and references and do extensive state, federal, and international background checks, as well as a thorough screening of their social media.

What’s the secret to finding a good match between a family and nanny?

Everyone must be on the same page from the very beginning of the process. One family’s dream nanny could be another’s nightmare. It’s imperative that the candidate and the family have a similar approach to raising children, as well as complementary personalities. Someone who is really laid back isn’t going to work well in a formal home that thrives on structure. (The reverse is true as well.) The perfect nanny and family pairing has similar philosophies about discipline, education, and responsibilities. There has to be a mutual respect between the parents and the nanny regarding the decisions made concerning the child. As a parent, if you feel like you have to micromanage and instruct your nanny on how you’d like every situation handled, you will become frustrated and resentful of the situation.

One of the most important factors to consider during the process of finding a good match is assessing the needs and expectations of the family. There’s a huge difference between a parent looking for an extra set of hands to help with driving, activities, and meals and a working parent who needs someone to be the child’s primary caregiver. A take-charge, independent, problem-solving nanny with sole-charge experience isn’t going to thrive as a helper. In the same way, a nanny without the confidence to make decisions on his or her own and proactively foresee situations isn’t the best choice for a family where the parents are gone most of the day. 

Once the hiring process is done, what other support do clients typically need?

It depends upon the family. Clients will often come to us for help with communicating with their new employee, especially during the transition process while the employee settles in. We always encourage regular, open and honest communication between both parties. On occasion, we will go into the home as a “manager” and help iron out any small issues that may exist. A relationship between a family and their household employees needs to be nurtured and carefully built, as this is a private home, where discretion is of utmost importance. We encourage clear communication and a weekly sit-down between a family and staff.

If a match doesn’t work out, what is your advice for handling a potential change (or parting ways)?

We suggest that each party be gentle but honest about their feelings. The parting should be done with kindness and care so that everyone involved understands that it isn’t a personal attack, just a relationship that has outlived its potential. When hiring staff, you are creating a business in your home. I have seen people distraught if something isn’t working out because they don’t want to offend someone, they don’t want to hurt their feelings.

In certain situations, we’ll go into the residence and let the candidate go so that we can assure it’s done with delicacy. Every situation is very different. We’ve learned it’s best to never point fingers and to make everyone feel good. We directly address and try to resolve any problems, serious or minor, that are brought to our attention, and to support the client or candidate. The ending of a professional relationship can be emotional, particularly if it involves an intimate household setting, so we work to minimize any potential animosity a much as possible.

Is there a difference between a nanny and a career nanny?

Most definitely. A typical nanny is different from a career nanny in that they often have a lot of experience with families, but no background or education in child development. Other nanny candidates are great with children and may have teaching degrees or other formal education, but limited in-home experience (typically part-time babysitting work).

A career nanny is someone who has chosen childcare as his or her profession. Most often, these candidates have formal education in child development and/or psychology. This can include a college degree in education or or training from previous jobs. Career nannies also have an employment history of long-term placements in private homes, understand the dynmics of working in a home environment and are great with children. A career nanny knows how to anticipate needs, respect a family’s privacy and space, and handle the logistics of high-end homes. Being in a home is very different than working in a school or daycare; there is no way to prepare or train someone for it, it’s something you learn and understand only after having experienced it.

How have staffing agencies changed over the years?

Historically, many agencies have been run by only one or two people. Today, the amount of work it takes to verify backgrounds, interview candidates, and create and nurture relationships is impossible with such a small team. This is a time-intensive business, which is why a larger team with modernized and strict processes is essential.

Anita Rogers is the founder of British American Household Staffing (BAHS), the nation’s leading domestic staffing and childcare agency with branches in New York, Los Angeles, Palm Beach, and London. BAHS provides childcare and estate staff available in the USA and U.K. She is also the founder of Anita Rogers Gallery in SoHo, New York, and of British American Talent, based in Los Angeles, London and New York.

Feel free to contact us for any immediate permanent, temporary or seasonal staffing needs.

Take a Peek Inside This Charming Atlanta Treehouse

Courtesy of Airbnb 

Courtesy of Airbnb 

By Lauren Piro for Country Living

If you've ever yearned to sneak off to a secluded, wooded fantasyland for a few days, this vacation rental is calling your name. You read that right: This backyard treehouse isn't part of a movie set or hidden in your dreams — it's a real place in Atlanta where you can stay over (from $275 per night, airbnb.com). And according to Today, it's the most-wished-for Airbnb listing in the world, given that it appears on147,052 people's Airbnb "wish lists."

The owners have created a truly enchanting space, complete with reclaimed wood, antique furnishings, and a circular deck with a hammock hanging under a 150-year-old pine tree. And the string lights! Who isn't a sucker for a strand of glowing bulbs? We think this escape would be perfect for a relaxing romantic getaway — especially since the house rules say "no kids allowed."

Take a look around:

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

Courtesy of Airbnb

"I've tried to understand why it's been so popular," owner Peter Bahouth told Today. "I think it's a simple response to a complicated world for a lot of people."

Why You’re Already a Perfect Mother

New Mom.jpeg

By Joanna Goddard for A Cup of Jo

I’ve noticed something about mothers…

I’m surrounded by wonderful moms all the time — who laugh with their children, who dress them warmly, who love them to the moon and back — yet these same moms, after their children are tucked in bed, often beat themselves up. Do I work too much? Do I get too frustrated? Am I always on my phone? Should I cook more green leafy vegetables?

When my head hits the pillow at the end of the day, I sometimes worry about these things, too. It’s hard not to, when you’re trying so hard and love your children so much. But lately I’ve tried to ask myself a different question: “Do my children feel loved?”

The answer is always yes. And that’s what matters, right? After all, who cares if we had frozen pizza for dinner? They freaking loved it. Does it matter that I missed bedtime? I’ll do it the other 6,569 nights of their childhood. Is it bad that Alex and I let them watch TV shows every morning while we snooze for an extra half hour? I did that growing up and turned out basically fine.

What I hope my boys will remember instead is how my eyes light up whenever they walk into the room, how I listen intently to their hopes and fears, how I love them so deeply for exactly who they are.

Plus, although it’s easy to feel pressure to be some sort of perfect parent, that doesn’t even exist. “I perform this scoring exercise on myself constantly; I suspect many of us mothers do,” writes Rowan Davies in The Guardian. “Are you a good mother? If you measure yourself against the fantasies projected all around you, almost certainly not. But back in the real world, you almost certainly are: you’re a good mother because you love your children, because you do what you can to keep them safe, and because when they take all the skin off their knees it’s you they come looking for.”

Of all the parents I know, every single one — without exception — is fantastic in his or her own way/style/personality. There are so many great ways to raise a child. Everyone’s doing the best they can.

I’m also still laughing about writer Raquel D’Apice’s take:

When people bring up the idea of being a good mom I admit that, by many people’s standards, I am probably not one… BUT, I tell people — if you’d like to focus on the positive for a moment — I am a great dad. All the things a great dad would do with his son are things I do! I put my son in a blanket and then spin the blanket around like a centrifuge because he totally loves when I do that, even though there is a chance he could get hurt. I encourage his fascination with slugs… I don’t cook much since it seems crazy to spend so much time cooking when we could be doing other things? But I eat dinner with him all the time, even if sometimes it is only kidney beans out of a can, and I taught him the ‘Beans, Beans the Magical Fruit’ song, which he enthusiastically sings to anyone who will listen… My favorite part of being a good dad is that I am allowed to make mistakes, which is fantastic because I make mistakes all the time.

The 12 Best-Designed Hotels Opening This Year

By Charu Suri for Architectural Digest

Some of this summer’s most exciting new hotel openings are alike in that they inspire visitors and foster a true sense of place, yet provide that joy of serendipitous discovery. With polished amenities and fine-dining options, these hotels are truly destinations in and of themselves, each paying inspired tribute to the historic neighborhood they’re in.


The Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills

The Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills, which opened on June 1, promises and delivers sweeping views of Wilshire and Santa Monica boulevards and beyond in each of its 170 rooms, which have floor-to-ceiling windows and private balconies. Designed by Pierre-Yves Rochon, who also did interiors for the Waldorf Astoria New York as well as the Four Seasons George V in Paris, the hotel is clad in cream and celadon tones that offset the artwork guests will discover throughout its 12 stories. From $600/night; waldorfastoriabeverlyhills.com


The Palace Hotel, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

The Palace Hotel, a 1904 Belle Époque building on Lake Lucerne that is part of the148-acre Bürgenstock Hotels & Resort, reopens its doors in June following an eight-year restoration. The hotel’s curator, Joe Miller, catalogued 200 paintings and placed artifacts and moldings and pillars in temperature-controlled storage during the renovation. The Ritzcoffier restaurant offers classic French as well as regional Alpine cuisines and has the charming vibe of a 19th-century kitchen, complete with a set of antique wooden doors and blue-and-white tiles. From $400/night; buergenstock.ch/en


Le Méridien Visconti Rome

Following a $20 million renovation, Le Méridien Visconti Rome is poised to receive visitors for the summer. Interiors are marble-clad and done by Harry Gregory of the London-based firm ara Design. The 240-room property has several references to the city’s architectural treasures including the Pantheon, and also pays homage to the work of Italian architect Gio Ponti (take a seat in one of his classic design–inspired armchairs, sip a cappuccino at the Longitude 12 Bar, and plan your day ahead). From $220/night; lemeridien.com


Hôtel de Crillon a Rosewood Hotel, Paris, France

Hôtel de Crillon, a Rosewood Hotel, will reopen its doors on July 5 following a top-to-toe, four-year transformation under the guidance of architect Richard Martinet, artistic director Aline d’Amman, and three Paris-based decorators. It retains its 18th century–style grandeur, and the location of the 124-room property right near the Champs-Elysées and Jardin des Tuileries will put you in a City of Lights blissful daze. New features include a wine cellar and cigar lounge. From $1,300/night; rosewoodhotels.com/en/hotel-de-crillon


Celino, South Beach, Miami, Florida

One of the largest developments on Ocean Drive is the Celino, a $40 million project fusing three historic Art Deco buildings and one new build opening in the fall (part of this constellation is the 80-year-old Park Central Hotel). With 132 rooms, 12 balcony suites, and 14 one-bedroom suites, the property pays homage to the glitzy vibe of Ocean Drive in the 1940s. From $350/night; thecelinohotel.com


Perry Hotel, Stock Island, Florida Keys

The languorous island above Key West just got a nautical-inspired property, the Perry Hotel, in May. The 100-room hotel with lovely balconies on a three-year-old private, 220-slip marina in the Stock Island Marina Village has suddenly become the hugest magnet to attract visitors to the area, turning the island into a destination almost overnight. Luxurious touches include an on-site distillery as well as an artists’ studio. From $179/night; perrykeywest.com


Hotel Versey, Chicago, Illinois

At the intersection of Lakeview and Lincoln Park in a 1920s building originally known as the Diversey Arms, the refurbished Hotel Versey has a bit of rock-and-roll history. Its 137 rooms and lobby feature quirky art such as a bike sculpture and an exterior mannequin that resembles a cool riff off Rodin’s The Thinker. You’ll feel the star power vibe, since music acts such as Nirvana and Radiohead have stayed here. From $100/night; hotelversey.com


Hotel EMC2, Chicago, Illinois

A 195-room hotel that celebrates the intersection of art and science, Hotel EMC2 opened in late May in the Streeterville neighborhood (north of the Chicago River), known for its elegant condos and top dining venues. Designed by the Rockwell Group, each room has rose gold fixtures and playful gramophones. From $159/night; hotelemc2.com


The Scott Resort, Scottsdale, Arizona

Right in the heart of Old Town, the Scott was acquired from Kimpton last year by Phoenix-based Classic Hotels & Resorts, which is investing $15 million over the next two years to reinvent it (the first phase debuts in September). The property's 204 rooms and lobby will be decked in a Sonoran-style breeziness and Bauhaus-inspired chandeliers. From $129/night; thescottresort.com


Under Canvas, Zion National Park, Utah

Fit for stargazers and poets, this pop-up glamping village of luxury tents is open from August 17 through November 13. The 196-acre safari-inspired resort’s 48 tents are right near the rust-red rocks, and each can accommodate up to four people; farm-to-table fare is prepared in the open air. From $189/night; undercanvas.com/camps/zion


Hotel Theodore, Seattle, Washington

The 151-room Hotel Theodore, designed by Susan Marinello, opens in the fall, featuring photography and patent drawings from Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry archives. The Seattle-based brand Freeman has also stocked the hotel’s 14 suites with his-and-hers rain jackets in deference to the city’s often-moody weather. Craft beer and refined sleep amenities by Latherapothecary will remind you that you are in a truly special place. From $235/night; hoteltheodore.com


The Line Hotel, Washington, D.C.

The District gets a flurry of new hotels including the Pod, a 245-room micro-property in Chinatown, as well the Line Hotel in the Adams Morgan neighborhood, which is known for its music scene and globe-spanning cuisine. Set in a 110-year-old historic church with brass detailing and copper entry doors, the Line is an art-filled journey with a dedicated radio station and a 1,600-square-foot fitness center spearheaded by Graham King. From $268/night; thelinehotel.com

Mommy and Baby Yoga Is Definitely the Cutest Workout You’ll Ever Do

By Laura Wing and Jim Kamoosi for PureWow

Getting back into the habit of working out after giving birth? Easier said than done. That's why mommy-and-me yoga is the perfect solution. We teamed up with Karma Kids Yoga to bring you three moves you can do right in your living room with baby in tow.

Downward Dog to Plank: Start in downward dog, with your feet hips' width apart, your hands on either side of your adorable yoga partner and your butt up toward the sky. Lower your rear end until you’re in plank position with your core locked and your face right over your baby’s happy smile. Hold for 30 seconds, then return to downward dog.

Raised Leg Crunches: A core exercise for mom becomes a flying lesson for baby. Start lying on your back with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your baby on your shins and engage your core to come up for a kiss. Your abs might get tired, but you’ll never get sick of hearing those giggles.

Boat Pose: Balance on your sits bones with your back straight, your legs bent and your baby sitting happily on your thighs. Increase the difficulty, and fun for baby, by holding your nugget straight up in the air above your core while you hold.

This is officially the cutest workout ever. Check out the video!