Career Advancement for Domestic Staff in San Francisco

We strongly advise career nannies to take on elements of PA duties or house management duties during their tenure as a career nanny. Although this is additional work, boosting your skillset can help you move smoothly into a personal assistant or house management role.

How To Be a Top-of-the-Line Estate Manager

Simply put, an estate manager oversees either one large estate or a large estate and several additional, smaller estates. This includes numerous staff, large construction or renovation projects, and all property acquisitions or moves. They are responsible for responding to small, daily duties while keeping the big picture of a principal’s entire life in mind.

Moving up from personal assistant to estate manager in San Francisco

Domestic Staffing has more tiered promotional opportunities than most realize. Many professionals have worked in private homes for 20 years, moving through lower-level stations to management. Having this expertise from working various roles in domestic staffing is invaluable. However, it is important to recognize when you are ready to advance and how to acquire the necessary experience before you can become a manager of a large estate.